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Thursday, November 26, 2009


Before you spend all your Christmas bonus and 13th month pay imagine yourself after the holiday broke and regretful of all the unnecessary spending. So before you walk in to the mall remember all these tips.

1. Account all the extra money you’ll receive this holiday and all your debts.
2. After paying your debts and you still have extra money list all the things you would like to buy and categorize it into two “needs” and “wants”.
3. Carry the list of the things you need with the approximation of the cost so you’ll know how to adjust later.
4. Be wary of SALE sign because it’s there to lure you to spend more than you planned to. Just stick to your list and you’ll be satisfied with your effort later when you’re at home and there are no temptations around you.
5. This is a tough time and everyone is tightening their belts so your true friends and love ones will understand if you don’t give them expensive gifts this Christmas. Still the best presents are the things that can’t be bought at the mall. You and your love.

Let us not forget the reason why we celebrate Christmas, amidst the shiny lights and trinkets -The birth of our lord in the lowly manger to save us all from our sins.